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TOP Inquiry Link Japanese About Our Institute Message from the President Message from the Institute Director/ Principles Female Researchers and Students Female Junior High School and High School Students Childcare/ Family Care International Researchers International Students LGBTQ+ Disabled People   About Our Institute Message from the President April 2022WADA Takashi, Kanazawa University President  Kanazawa University operates on our charter of “a research university dedicated to education, while opening up its doors to both local and global society”. It aims to play a leading role in solving the problems of present society through “Comprehensive knowledge” obtained from integrated human wisdom, in order to realize a society filled with hope. In addition, the university endeavors to produce “Kanazawa University brand” personnel who will create “Future-oriented Intelligence ”, seeking and solving future issues as leaders of global society.  Modern society requires economic development and solutions to social problems that can respond to accelerated changes in industry structure. In order to solve global problems caused by human activities, international society is engaged in various initiatives for the sustainable development of society, such as The 17Goals. As a national university corporation, Kanazawa University is obliged to value these public needs and bear further responsibility in the efforts.  Thus, we hope to produce researchers who will solve the problems of future generations and take on challenges in unexplored fields. We will also promote open innovation through the collaboration of industry, academia and government and the practical use of research results. We aim to facilitate the creation of new value through cooperation with various areas of society.  To this end, it is indispensable to establish a diverse environment that allows students, faculty and staff with various individuality to make the most of their ability with high aspirations for their study, research and job. We will implement various diversity promotion programs to realize a society that allows for mutual respect regardless of differences in gender, age, race, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and other individuality. We intend to improve our support systems through collaboration with relevant sections in order to establish an education and research environment in which all of our members can fully exercise their qualities and abilities.  In order to realize diversity in our university, we will consider what we can and should do at the individual and organization levels so that the university will become a global education and research base that is representative of Japan. Top of Page © KANAZAWA University All rights reserved

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